VOSH booth at Vision Expo West, Venetian Resort, Las Vegas (2023)

(Sept 26-29th, 2023) – Dr. Greg Pearl and his wife Marion Pearl have been maintaining the VOSH booth at the Vision Expo for the last 25 years! If anyone is ever at Vision Expo West, please stop by and say hi! Please let us know if you would like to volunteer to run the booths in the future. Voshcalifornia@gmail.com


VOSH booth at Vision Expo West, Sands in Las Vegas

(05/28/2020) VOSH-CA had a booth set up at Vision Expo West last year in Las Vegas. This booth allows us to answer questions, talk about our amazing trips, and allow people to become members or donate to the organization. Vision Expo West is set to occur Sept 23-26, 2020 but due to Covid-19, we are still waiting to hear if it will happen. COME VISIT OUR BOOTH THIS YEAR IF THE EXPO STILL HAPPENS!

VOSH-CA Ships lenses to NICARAGUA!

(05/25/2020) Recently, VOSH-CA received 80,000 lenses from a charity. On Memorial Weekend 2020, Greg Pearl O.D., and his wife Marion Pearl alongside David Stacy O.D., his wife Pat, son Jason and friend Dave all took time out of their busy schedules to repack all the lenses, counted and labeled them to ship to Nicaragua. Shoutout to the warehouse owner Ed York for letting us store the lenses there and having a crew ready to help us! It’s amazing people like this that make this organization possible. Even though the process was long and tedious, our team was ecstatic knowing that Nicaragua will have 80,000 more lenses to use in glasses for people in need.

Dr. Greg Pearl will meet up with several Optometry students in San Salvador on Sunday 24th of November 2019 to join the FUDEM campaign clinics in following locations: