Recent Trips
Healing California – Indio, CA Sept 26, 2020
At the start of the Pandemic, all “Healing California” clinics were cancelled. Recently we were able to carefully resume Healing California clinics with many new safety precautions. Our president, Dr. Greg Pearl has attended two of the rescheduled clinics so far. On one of the clinics, Dr. Pearl saw more than 40 patients in one day. Thankfully, he had the help of 4 supporting Healing California staff. Please consider joining or volunteering too! We are happy to welcome you at our next clinic, please contact us!
Here are some photos:
We also would like to introduce two core volunteers of Healing California:
Donald Kagan and his wife Patricia Mairena: after retirement they volunteered with Healing California three years ago and learned while doing the lab work of manufacturing the lenses. You will meet this incredible crafty volunteering couple on almost all HC clinics.Socially distanced line up Exam lane to check prescription and ocular heatlh Dentist Dr. Fritz, with his supporting team, many are volunteering members from Los Medicos Voladores, Flying Doctors
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